For the fourth entry in my HUMAN NATURE Connections Project I'd like to introduce Christie Glissmeyer and Drew Eastman, both are whitewater river kayakers and they are a newly engaged couple who live in Hood River, Oregon.  When Christie first heard about my project through her talent agent at Sports and Lifestyle Unlimited she wrote the following to me to describe how she connects with nature.

"I'm a kayaker, and I connect with the the natural environment through water. I ride the river currents, cascading through deep mossy gorges and dense forests of the Pacific Northwest. I'm immersed in thundering waves, navigating through the chaos of rapids and plunging over falls. My perfect moment is pushing away from shore and floating towards the horizon line of a waterfall. The world falls away it's just me and the river, tumbling through the mist into a crystal clear pool below. For an instant it's dark, cold, and eerily calm. Then I resurface, gasp for a breath of air and look up to see the powerful wall of water towering above me."
                                   - Christie Glissmeyer
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